get rid of


get rid of 的定义

  1. Also, be rid of. Eliminate, discard, or free oneself from. For example, It's time we got rid of these old newspapers, or He kept calling for months, but now we're finally rid of him. The first expression dates from the mid-1600s, the second from the 1400s. Also see get out of, def. 5.

get rid of 近义词

v. 动词 verb


更多get rid of例句

  1. In this cockamamie get-rich scheme, would they all issue an apology if he cut a check?
  2. “I sense that mobile games are starting to shed their skin, getting rid of all the dead things they carry around,” he says.
  3. The Dallas Cowboys sell out their state-of-the art football stadium.
  4. We happily hoist our egg nog in the air, embrace each other, and raise our out-of-tune voices in song.
  5. DISH delivers a one-of-a-kind entertainment experience to every room of your home, wirelessly.
  6. I shall only be away for six months; you know I have made up my mind to get rid of the whole bag of tricks.
  7. You never know when you are going to stumble upon a jewel in the most out-of-the-way corner.
  8. But I couldn't get rid of the notion that he would hand me out the same dose he had given MacRae if only he had the power.
  9. But Lessard's a overbearin' son-of-a-gun all round, and he's always breakin' out in a new place.
  10. Mr. Slocum was not educated in a university, and his life has been in by-paths, and out-of-the-way places.